Gordon Mayer

Gordon Mayer Communications


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Gordon Mayer Communications
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5220 S Dorchester Ave
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Company Overview
I'm a writer and storyteller who has been ensuring all stakeholders have voice in shaping effective and fair policy for more than 20 years.

For the past decade I've been leading national advocacy, leadership development and capacity-building organizations. I've worked as development and communications director at Gamaliel Foundation, operations director at People's Action, and vice president of Public Narrative.

I focus on helping nonprofits and businesses with complex stories to share their work and impact with the people they care about (your base and customers, your funders and partners, your mom...)
I provide marketing communications and public relations services to nonprofits, mission-driven firms and foundations to help you find and tell the stories that matter most about your work to the people who can help move the agenda forward.

Collaborating with clients at the intersection of fundraising and communications, I offer storytelling and other services to strengthen participant and donor engagement and to reach new audiences.

My approach rests on the belief that the best communications embodies authentic, concise and clear communication that illuminates solutions my clients offer to the big problems we all face.
Practice Areas (select top 3)
  • Communications, Marketing & Public Relations (including Research and Strategy)
  • Development/Fundraising
Client List
Alliance for the Great Lakes
Chapin Hall
Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute
Coalition for a Better Chinese American Community
Dion's Chicago Dream
Greenline Homes
Harmony, Hope & Healing
Heartland Health Centers
LimeRed Studio
Woodstock Institute
Testimonial 1
I had to prepare to talk to over 3,000 critical, analytic and values-driven professionals (evaluators). Gordon and his team have been invaluable in drawing out my story and helping to frame and give a talk that was noted as “powerful”, “inspirational”, and “amazing.” They were integral in taking it to this level. Many profound thanks to them!!

Dominica McBride
Founder & CEO, BECOME
Testimonial 2
Gordon is our go-to resource for marketing communications strategies. His responsiveness and ability to tell our story attracts patients to come to us for care, as well as donors and community partners to support us in providing quality health care to 30,000 people a year.

Molly Bougearel
Senior Vice President, Strategy and Development, Heartland Health Centers
Testimonial 3
Gordon brought a positive attitude and skill to conducting an important communication project at Chapin Hall. His interviewing skills and genuine curiosity about our staff and their work produced great results. Staff repeatedly mentioned how much they enjoyed the process.

Marrianne McMullen
Director of Communication and Dissemination, Chapin Hall

Speaker's Bureau Information

Speaker Bio
I'm a writer and storyteller who has been ensuring all stakeholders have voice in shaping effective and fair policy for more than 20 years.

For the past decade I've been leading national advocacy, leadership development and capacity-building organizations. I've worked as development and communications director at Gamaliel Foundation, operations director at People's Action, and vice president of Public Narrative.

I focus on helping nonprofits and businesses with complex stories to share their work and impact with the people they care about (your base and customers, your funders and partners, your mom...)
Topic 1
How to tell Stories that Work
Topic 1 Description
In our program, advocacy and fundraising work we tell public stories to influence our audiences and highlight the value we create in the world. This interactive workshop offers time to take a step back to consider why and how stories work.

You'll get some insight into how storytelling is nothing like what they teach us in school. Then you'll dive into how to tell an advocacy story that works, gaining tools to tell one story every advocate should have ready: your own. You'll leave with handouts and tools to polish your story.
Topic 2
Living Proof Advocacy: storytelling for advocates
Topic 2 Description
I'm a certified instructor with Living Proof Advocacy (https://www.livingproofadvocacy.com), helping individuals and groups harness the power of first-person stories to advocate for good. Connecting your personal story with your mission is the powerful tool to add more impact to your work.
Topic 3
Infrastructure: choosing & using the right CRM
Topic 3 Description
Like a car, the stuff under the hood is essential to communications & fundraising, in fact it makes the whole thing run! Also like a car, it's good to get educated before you buy, and some tips will help make you a better owner. This session is based on lots of practical experience with lots of different CRM tools.

The Association of Consultants to Nonprofits | 400 E. Randolph St., #3115 | Chicago, IL 60601

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