Webinars by ACN Experts

ACN has hosts three types of webinars - Educational Webinars (60 minutes), an "Ask-A-Consultant" series with Forefront (60 minutes), and Flash Webinars (30 minutes). You can find recordings below, as well as on YouTube.

ACN has also partnered with the Nonprofit Learning Lab to offer monthly 30 minute webinars. You can see a list of complimentary offerings here. ACN members' webinars can also be found below.

There are also webinars available to members only.
Please login with your username and password to access these webinars located here.

Do you have an idea for a future webinar?

Please reach out to us at ExecDirector@ACNConsult.org.

Unlocking the Power of Visual Storytelling for Impactful Communication

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Roxy Novi, Heart 2 Headlines

Presentation Deck

February 10, 2025

What is Neuromarketing and why should I care

- The psychological influence of color

- HOW to harness the power of color theory

- Why does accessibility matter?

- Finding YOUR Confidence Color

Strategies, System and Shortcuts: Effective Content Marketing

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Lis Martin, Statement Communications

Presentation Deck

January 6, 2025

Content marketing is about telling stories that inspire your audience to act – and nonprofits have no shortage of them to share. But without a systematic approach, organizations often end up sinking too much time into ineffective content.

This session will offer step-by-step guidance on creating a content marketing plan. You'll learn how to define goals, create content pillars, select your channels, and measure results over time.

Captivating Canva Graphics: Unlock the Power of Design Principles

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Lidia Varesco Racoma, Lidia Varesco Design

Presentation Deck
View Resources

September 26, 2024

Nonprofit communications and marketing professionals often juggle many tasks, including ad hoc Canva design. By understanding design best practices, you can create more effective Canva graphics—and stay on-brand. Learn the four key design principles (layout, color, typography, imagery) as well as sources for high-quality graphics. Basic Canva knowledge is helpful but not required.

If You Can Do Laundry, You Can Map a Logic Model

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Julianne Buck, Nonprofit Brains & Brawn, LLC

Presentation Deck

June 24, 2024

Logic Models feel and sound very complicated - but they don't have to be. A Logic Model is a great visual map for you to set the scene for your donors and funders. By using something familiar to all of us (the task of doing laundry), we'll walk through the steps of mapping a Logic Model and to define the gaps in your program that need filling.

How to Cultivate Donors Remotely

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: William Myatt, Major Gift Solutions, LLC

Presentation Deck

May 29, 2024

This 30-minute presentation will provide a blueprint for raising major gifts virtually. We will walk through the process of inviting donors to a meeting, facilitating an engaging conversation, stewarding existing donors well, and cultivating new donors for an ask. You’ll leave with a blueprint for major gift success that capitalizes on the industry sea change initiated during the pandemic but that continues as a proven strategy for success.

Fundraise Smarter, Not Harder — How to Identify High Value Fundraising Tasks

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Anne Hager, Fundraising Levers

Presentation Deck

February 27, 2024

Small teams, shoestring budgets, and ambitious targets - nonprofit fundraising can feel overwhelming. In this workshop, you'll learn a practical task prioritization framework to help you identify and focus on high-value fundraising tasks while delegating or streamlining lower-value tasks. This framework will empower you to make strategic decisions about where to invest your time and energy to maximize your organization's fundraising success.

Bridging Generational Communication Gaps in the Nonprofit Workplace

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Kate Viana

Presentation Deck

February 20, 2024

Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z: there are four generations in today's nonprofit workforce, and with such wildly varying communication styles and preferences in play, miscommunication is virtually inevitable - or is it? This workshop focuses on ways to address or eliminate common sources of friction, leverage the communication strengths of each generation, and set up your multigenerational team for healthier, more effective communication.

The Art and Science of Major Gift Fundraising

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: William Myatt

Presentation Deck

January 3, 2024

If nonprofit leaders hope to meet their annual fundraising goals, they must develop both the "art" and the "science" of major gift fundraising. Major gifts are, simply, the gifts that are "major" for your organization - the top 10 to 20 revenue moments that ensure your nonprofit will remain in the black year after year. This workshop will give you an introduction to the tools you need to continue landing those major gifts. There is no secret sauce, but there are workflows, patterns, and habits that can give you opportunities to drive revenue for your organization and advance your mission into the future.

Streamlining Nonprofit Operations with Automation

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Matt Souza

Presentation Deck

November 28, 2023

Join Matt, a 3X certified Salesforce Professional and experienced nonprofit consultant, in this 30-minute workshop. In a world that grows increasingly tech-centric, nonprofits are constantly tasked to achieve more with fewer resources. In this webinar, we'll delve into the significance of automation, illustrating what a highly automated organization looks like and providing concrete steps for nonprofits to enhance their own automation. We'll also address potential challenges and pitfalls to ensure a balanced and informed approach.

Writing for Impact: A Nonprofit Professionals Guide to Drafting Content that Inspires

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenters: Sarah Hogan & Maura O'Leary, Barefoot PR

Presentation Deck

August 14, 2023

Join Barefoot PR as we take a peek behind the content curtain to learn more about the three factors everyone should use to inform and elevate their writing: voice, audience and tone. This workshop encourages learners to pause before putting pen to paper in order to find the voice of the organization they're working with, understand the audience they’re speaking to, and pick a tone that elevates their message clearly enough to engage effectively.

Nonprofit Websites That Build Community: How to Know If Your Site is Effective

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Austin Hattox, Pixel Lighthouse

Presentation Deck

July 5, 2023

Nonprofit websites are complicated: they have to speak to several audiences (program participants, donors, partners, and many others) while still representing your work well. With so many competing requirements, it isn't easy to know if things are actually "working." By knowing what to look for, you can identify areas for improvement and ensure your online presence supports your mission and grows your community.

From Research to Award: A Creative & Strategic Approach to Winning Grants

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Joanna Drew, Hilo Consulting LLC

Presentation Deck

April 17, 2023

Grant writing: two words that can induce fear in the nonprofit space. This workshop will provide a strategic lens from which to view the entire grants process -- from research and funder cultivation to proposal and budget creation. Grant writing is an art and a science, so let's delve deep into how your organization can find (and win!) grants.

Diversifying Revenue Streams and Increasing Impact with a Social Enterprise Model

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Belinda Li, CiTTA Partnership

Presentation Deck

March 6, 2023

Earned revenue through marketplace mechanism allows your nonprofit to diversify its revenue streams with unrestricted dollars, and a chance to innovate your services, expand your audience, and increase your impact. This workshop will introduce the concept of social enterprise and different business model ideas, and explore some key considerations for nonprofits interested in starting a social enterprise.


• Gain a better understanding of the definition of a social enterprise
• Learn about different business models that a social enterprise can undertake• Explore some case studies to bring the concept to life
• Learn the potential benefits, impact, and risks through social enterprise
• Develop an understanding on what to consider as you explore starting a social enterprise

Conveying Impact Through Data-Driven Storytelling

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Amy Krigsman, Ark Nonprofit Consulting

Presentation Deck

February 21, 2023

Storytelling has been a driving force in human history for thousands of years. It holds the power to build relationships, provide context, impose meaning, share lessons learned, identify challenges, and much more. Storytelling is a tool that nonprofits can use to convey the impact of their work. However, organizations often struggle with how to tell stories, what information to include, and how to utilize the stories they tell. This webinar will explore the basics of when and what types of evaluation to use to convey your organization’s story, as well as the the links between evaluation and story.

How to Conduct a Feasibility Study for Purposeful Program Design

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Rachel Owen, Rachel K. Owen, LLC

Presentation Deck

January 4, 2023

Communicating With a New Congress

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Randy Ford, First Story Strategies

Presentation Deck

December 12, 2022

The U.S. may be facing a new congressional reality in January, and nonprofits of all types will have to adjust. This workshop — apolitical and nonpartisan — will focus on the overarching messages that may appeal to a 2023 session of Congress and storytelling approaches that can have an impact in a closely divided, highly charged D.C. environment already focused on the 2024 election cycle.


1. Understand the makeup of the incoming Congress.
2. Think through the challenges facing your organization and how to communicate that to friendly and more skeptical members of Congress.
3. Learn about practical tools that will help make current and new members of Congress your allies.

How to Be an Inclusive and Inspiring Leader

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Crystal Whiteaker, Crystal Lily Creative

Presentation Deck

November 29, 2022

This masterclass will cover three key topics related to the importance of inclusion and the role of inclusive, inspiring leaders. Responsibilities of leadership and what it really means to have influence. Traits of inclusive leaders to consider what practices to incorporate. Creating belonging from within so that you can more easily create it for other people. 

Embracing Accountability as an Opportunity for Growth

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Andrew Chamberlain, Elevated

Presentation Deck

September 7, 2022

Video presentation unavailable.

Accountability is fundamental to good governance and rather than viewing this as a burden, Boards should welcome accountability as an opportunity to use reporting as a means of celebrating performance, acknowledging endeavour, and for generating confidence and trust amongst stakeholders. This session will provide insight into how Boards can easily put in place processes to create and maintain cultures of transparency and honesty-based governance.


  • Methods for reporting performance beyond standard legislative or regulatory requirements
  • Techniques for engaging stakeholders via reporting
  • Overcoming the barriers to embracing accountability.

Organizational Lifecycle During Times of Change

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Brian Loevner, BLVE, LLC

Presentation Deck

August 8, 2022

When there are so many unknowns in front of us, and going back to "normal" seems like a myth, organizations have to consider what is next. Discussions of huge changes, like mergers, partnerships, mission shifts, and sunsetting can be fraught with difficulties. We will discuss the successes and challenges of alternative operating models as well as a frank discussion around the fears of big change.

Your Nonprofit's Online Presence: Legal Risks and Protections for Websites and Social Media

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Amy CookAmy Cook Law LLC

Presentation Deck

July 7, 2022

Learn best practices for how to protect your online intellectual property, such as educational and training materials, fundraising campaigns, blog posts, newsletters, and photos, and how to reduce risk when using others' content. We'll discuss copyright, fair use, trademarks, defamation, invasion of privacy, and rights of publicity.

Objectives: (1) Identify what IP your organization might have and how to protect it; (2) how to safely use others' work; (3) what should be included in simple agreements with independent contractors and volunteers.

Data Makeovers: How to Make Your Data More Beautiful and Engaging

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Amelia Kohm, DataViz for Nonprofits

Presentation Deck

June 22, 2022

Data visualization is like one of those unlikely couples. One partner is outgoing and a great storyteller. The other is introverted and sticks to the facts. To make great charts, maps, and graphs, you need to channel both partners in this odd couple: the artist and the analyst. In this workshop, I will offer up 10 key rules about composition that artists know and that analysts (and the rest of us) can apply when presenting data.

Nurturing Safe Space: Ensuring Employee Retention

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Ginny Waller, Waller Consulting, LLC

Presentation Deck

May 26, 2022

A new study from Nonprofit HR reveals that 45% of nonprofit employees will seek new or different employment in the next five years. Of that group, 23% said that nonprofits would not be among the types of organizations they intend to pursue. Nonprofit employees leave for different reasons – low pay, lack of career growth, low functioning business models, poor management, and more; yet, the significant negative impact on the organizations’ finances and culture is the same. In Nurturing Safe Space, former nonprofit executive director Ginny Waller will facilitate a virtual workshop for nonprofit leaders to improve employee retention through the reinforcement of a culture of high psychological safety in which people can take interpersonal risks by speaking their truths. The facilitator will lead peer discussions around identifying the elements of a healthy organizational culture and strategies to increase employee engagement.

Annual Report: Is it a Burden or a Call to Action for Donors

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Allecia Harley, Prevention Advisory Group

Presentation Deck

April 19, 2022

Do you want your annual report to recruit donors for you? As a general rule, people don't like to donate, but they LOVE to make a difference. If you apply the neuroscience of giving to the creation and distribution of your annual report, the world will see the difference they can make through you, and respond accordingly.


  • Review the neuroscience of giving and how to tap into it
  • Employ the six dos and don'ts for an effective Annual Report
  • Apply precision techniques to attract the right donors

Planned Giving: What are You Scared of?
Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter:  Susan Kahan, Sapphire Fundraising Specialists

Presentation Deck

February 21, 2022

Imagine meeting with your donor, and they say, "I have a meeting with my estate planner next week, is there anything I should mention?" Lucky you! This is your entry to a planned giving conversation...are you ready? Many fundraisers think planned giving is complex and scary, but now is the time to brush up on the basics of planned giving vehicles and why being knowledge about these opportunities are so important. This presentation will also discuss why planned giving can be scary to talk about, how to overcome your fears so you can bring up the topic to your donors, and strategize to include planned giving in regular donor communications.

Nonprofit Brand Review: Prepare Your Organization for 2022
Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Lidia Varesco Racoma, Lidia Varesco Design

Presentation Deck
LVD Branding Checklist

January 6, 2022

Your branding may be the first way someone interacts with your organization—but when is the last time you checked in with your brand? This session will show you why it's important to conduct an annual brand audit and walk you through the steps for reviewing and evaluating your brand’s performance to assure success in the new year. Worksheet and resources will be provided.

What is Your Audience Thinking? Listening Methods to Gain Support for Your Mission
Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Emily Taylor, teenyBIG

Presentation Deck

December 20, 2021

Have you pondered "what does our audience think about our organization?" Your mission is the top priority, but if you don't know how your audience perceives it you may struggle with gaining their support for it. In this session, Emily will share why it is so important to listen to your audience and use that information to build momentum for your work.

They're Not a Frill if You're Using Them Right: How to Save Money and Get More Done Using High-Skill Volunteers
Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Kelly Kleiman, NFP Consulting

Presentation Slides

October 11, 2021

This workshop will help nonprofit agencies discover how to make the most of high-skill volunteers--those lawyers, public-relations specialists, accountants and other professionals who are increasingly interested in donating their expertise. We'll explore: how to identify major projects on which volunteers can be helpful; how to integrate them into those projects; how to smooth relations between staff and volunteers, and make paid personnel more effective in deploying and supervising their unpaid counterparts; when to consider volunteers for leadership positions, including the Board of Directors; and how to keep them motivated (using "The Big MAC approach") so you can truly rely on them.

How to Streamline Your Finance Operations to Become More Secure, Efficient and Profitable
Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Matthew Kirkpatrick, Paymerang

Presentation Slides

September 9, 2021

Embracing Strategic Planning as a Community Engagement Tool
Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Sarah Armstrong, Sarah Keister Armstrong & Associates, LLC

Presentation Slides

August 5, 2021

The importance of strategic planning is not new to nonprofit organizations, but the manner in which we can connect with and elevate voices that are otherwise underheard continues to evolve. How can we effectively identify who should be a part of the process? How do we balance feedback received from different community stakeholders with the knowledge we have as nonprofit professionals? And how can we pull together what we learn into an actionable plan?

Rethinking the strategic planning process from a cumbersome and overwhelming task to an opportunity to connect with our community opens the possibilities to engage with those outside our immediate circles. This program will provide participants with insights and ideas to incorporate thoughtful community engagement into strategic planning processes that both diminishes the risk of planning within our own bubbles and also inspires new ideas.

Ask a Consultant: Relationship Building and Leveraging Partnerships

David Dow of Schooley Mitchell
Tracy Lewis of Lewis & Associates, LLC
Brian Loevner of BLVE
Cori Streetman and Sarah Hogan of Barefoot PR

Sammy Suh, Special Projects Manager, Urban Initiatives

July 21, 2021

As we begin the recovery process from the pandemic, we’re hearing more than ever about nonprofits strengthening existing partnerships and looking for new ones. This convening discusses how to intentionally develop new relationships and leverage new opportunities for collaboration as we move forward in our work and realizing our missions.

The Power Of Untold Stories
Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Lauren Ready, Forever Ready Productions

Presentation Slides

July 7, 2021

There's always more to the story. The often untold stories have the power to call your audience to act, transform hearts and ultimately support your work. It's not always perfect, but it's perfectly meant to be told. In this webinar, we'll learn why it matters. Hear firsthand how moments unfold, stories are told, and endings surprise.

Sponsorship Growth for Your Nonprofit
Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Melissa Lagowski, Big Buzz Idea Group

Presentation Slides

June 29, 2021

Are you currently utilizing sponsorship as a funding source for your nonprofit organization? Do you hope to launch a sponsorship program but don’t know where to start? Does your current program need a refresh to maximize your results?

Learn how to leverage sponsorship and corporate partnerships to benefit the future of your organization.

Good Trouble: How to Advocate for Change

Nonprofit Learning Lab - ACN Webinar Collaboration

Presenter: Martha CollinsLEAD 180 Consulting

Presentation Slides

May 27, 2021

Many nonprofits leaders are unsure about the legality of advocacy and lobbying efforts in which their organization can engage. Whether they are working independently or within a partnership such as a coalition, nonprofits should strive to influence public policies that affect the organization’s ability to achieve its mission. Attendees will learn how you and your organization can strengthen your advocacy efforts.

Ask a Consultant: Using Data for Storytelling Part 2

Amelia Kohm of Data Viz for Nonprofits, 
Lauren Ready of Forever Ready Productions, 
Mindy Faber of Convergence Design Lab 
Gordon Mayer of Gordon Mayer Communications.

Anita Banerji

May 12, 2021

Donors are inspired by powerful stories about real people. The challenge for grant writers, then, is showing how these individual stories tie into a larger reality backed by data. This webinar focuses on how to collect and use data in your communications to potential donors, policymakers, and the community, and weave a compelling story out of the numbers.

Ask a Consultant: COVID-19 Relief and Tax Benefits

Valerie F. Leonard, Founder at Nonprofit Utopia
Chitra Aiyar, Senior Advisor at BDO FMA
Daniel Ronan, Principal at Resilient Heritage

Claire Barner, Director of Operations, Financial Health Network

March 17, 2021

It’s tax season, and we’re all still coping with the impacts of the pandemic. The good news is there are some tools nonprofits can use to ease some of the financial burdens: there are employee retention tax credits, another round of Payroll Protection Program (PPP), and very likely an upcoming stimulus package. Join Forefront and the Association of Consultants to Nonprofits to hear a panel of consultants discuss what options might best support your organization as you build towards recovery.

Ask a Consultant: Using Data for Storytelling (Part One) – Data for Driving Strategy & Measuring Impact

Margaret Conway, Co-Founder and Director of Learning, Convergence Design Lab
Sarah Keister Armstrong, Principal, Sarah Keister Armstrong & Associates
Arthur Padilla, Senior Managing Partner, StrataG. Works

Suzy Lee, Director of Nonprofit Strategy & Engagement, Forefront

February 3, 2021

Funders often request or require data and respond well to powerful stories about real people. How do you build a compelling narrative with data to back it up? This program will focus on how to get started collecting and using data in your strategy, program design, and impact measurement. If you’re not sure where to start collecting data, or you have some information and want to learn more ways to use it, this program is for you.

Ask a Consultant: Hiring a Grant Writer

Presented by ACN members Rachel Sacks, Leading Healthy Futures, Liz Duffrin, Grant Writer, Joyce Poll, J.G. Poll & Associates, and Theresa Lipo, Youth Guidance & Ter Molen, Watkins & Brandt.

Notes from webinar

November 10, 2020

We regularly get questions about grant writing: How do I find a consultant? How do I know it's the right match for my organization? Can an intern write grants? Should they be paid hourly or by the project? Are state grants easier to get than private foundation grants? Is my organization ready to apply for grants?

The Nonprofit Show: Building Your Nonprofit's Capacities Using Consultants 

ACN Board Past President, Jill Misra, represented ACN on The Nonprofit Show. Jill outlines how nonprofit organizations are weathering sustainability, costs management and mission fidelity issues by engaging nonprofit consultants.

October 26, 2020

Ask a Consultant: Racial Equity & Social Justice Beyond The Walls of Your Institution

Presented by ACN member Kim Brown, Centrally Human along with Nakia J. Green, of Nakia J Consulting, and Dr. Willie R. Cobb, Jr. and moderated by Terri A. Johnson of VEGA Partners.

October 13, 2020

Building on our August conversation topic of building racial equity within an organization, this session will focus on grounding our public facing work in racial equity and social justice. Join us to Ask a Consultant your questions about taking meaningful action to end systemic injustice. We’ll go beyond statements and reports (although those are important, too) to look at centering BIPOC, advocacy, organizing, and other practices that work to fix inequity.

Practical Project Management for Remote Teams

Presented by Annisa Wanat, AMW Solutions, LLC, ACN Member
Presentation Slides
 5 absolutely free and incredibly useful project management tools

September 15, 2020

Ask a Consultant: Mission Efficiency

Presented by ACN members Fran Caan of Frances Caan, Non Profit Consulting, Inc., Debra Natenshon of DBN & Associates and Vinay Mullick of UpMetrics and our moderator, Suzy Lee of Forefront.

September 8, 2020

As nonprofits have felt the financial squeeze, now is an excellent time to hone in on your central purpose. It’s the opposite of mission creep – these are the days for crystal clear definition of impact. These consultants will share how you can use key metrics and data, analysis of past work, and even storytelling to keep your mission front and center for your staff and your donors.

NAVIGATING GREAT UNCERTAINTY: Strategic Planning in the Era of Pandemic, Recession and Social Change

Presented by John Pfeiffer, Open Door Advisors, ACN Member
Co-hosted with Social Enterprise Alliance Chicago
Presentation Slides
August 26, 2020

Ask a Consultant: Establishing Long-Term Racial Equity Teams Within Your Organization

Presented by ACN members Mary Morten of Morten GroupDennis Johnson of Sort Sol Group and Tricia Lazzar of StrataG. Works and our moderator was Suzanne Griffith of VEGA Partners.

August 11, 2020

Anti-racist, DEI, Racial Equity, Social Justice – these topics have circulated for years, but how do we weave it into the very fabric of our organizations and our work? Hear from expert consultants and discuss with fellow nonprofits where you are on this journey and build the institutional muscle to take lasting action.

Bookkeeping Best Practices - and Mistakes to Avoid

Presented by Dawn Hershik, Supporting Strategies
July 22, 2020

Ask a Consultant: Creating Long-Term, Virtual Teams

Presented by Mark Burger of Wipfli, Connie Kyes-Myland of Trinet, Heather Eddy of KEES and Mike Bradicich of General Systems Corporation. The session was moderated by Suzy Lee of Forefront.

July 7, 2020

Your team took to the challenge of working virtually, now what? As you look to managing your staff virtually for the long-term, our expert panel can answer questions about what to expect and plan for along the way. 

Navigating During Times of Uncertainty: The Next Normal

Presented by Aashi Mital, Pivotal Solutions Consulting, ACN Member
June 30, 2020

Ask a Consultant: Virtual Messaging with Meaning

Presented by Carol White, CB White; Lidia Varesco Racoma, Varesco Design; and Emily Taylor, teenyBIG, ACN Members

May 26, 2020

COVID-19 has prioritized virtual communication, but how do you make sure your message still connects with people? Our panel of experts in market research, visual and verbal communication, and human-centered design will share tools to create a strong foundation for messaging that can be nimble during times like these. Featured consultants will include Carol White of CB White, Lidia Varesco Racoma of Varesco Design, and Emily Taylor of teenyBIG.

Ask a Consultant: HR in a Virtual World

Presented by Heather Eddy, KEES and K. Sujata

May 19, 2020

Related resource from Open Door AdvisorsReturn-to-Work Guide for nonprofit employees, which you can customize for your organization (in PPT format). This document is intended to help employers communicate to employees about new policies, procedures and practices specific to their workplace. Every workplace will of course differ, and employers should edit the information to reflect the circumstances in their own workplace.  Feel free to share this with your colleagues in the social impact sector.

Whether it is working remotely or operating in a heightened capacity, human resource structures have changed. In this session, our panel will focus on practical ways to support and manage staff virtually, stay in close communication during times of crisis, build a cohesive online culture, and make key decisions that are focused on organizational stability.

Ask a Consultant: Building Leadership and Adaptive Capacity

Presented by Julie Boll, Julie Boll Consulting, and Amy WishnickWishnick & Associates.

May 12, 2020

Nonprofit leaders are facing unprecedented challenges that require courage and the capacity to adapt in a rapidly changing environment. Join consultants Julie Boll and Amy Wishnick for a conversation about how to intentionally develop courage and adaptive capacity, and to identify and leverage new found strengths in the midst of uncertainty.

Ask a Consultant: Maximizing Board Engagement and Capacity
During Times of Crisis

Presented by Rena Henderson Mason of Bold Agenda and Amy Schiffman of Giving Tree Associates, will focus on how best to engage your board right now to respond to COVID-19 and beyond. This session was moderated by Suzanne Griffith of VEGA Partners.

May 5, 2020

Link to Presentation Document

Content Marketing Tips for Right Now

Presented by Dina Lewis, CAE, Distilled Logic
April 29, 2020

Ask a Consultant: The New World of Funding

Presented by Tiffany Williams, TJ Marie Consulting; Don Raack, AltruNext and Bill Price, Growth Law, moderated by Lisa May Simpson, Forefront.

April 28, 2020

In a matter of a couple of weeks, your entire annual fund development strategy has changed. Ask our panel of consultants your urgent questions about funding, including the CARES Act, grants, and communicating and nurturing both new and existing donors.

Beyond Digital: Harnessing the Human Experience to Drive Growth (Even if You're Remote)

Presented by Kimberly Brown, Centrally Human, LLC, ACN member
April 23, 2020

Presentation Slides

How to Run Your Nonprofit Like a For-Profit

Presented by Megan Angle, Porte Brown, ACN Member

April 16, 2020

There is a perception among some in the nonprofit world that making a profit doesn’t match up with the altruistic mission of a nonprofit organization. That the organization should succeed on its merits and purpose alone. But is this sustainable? In this workshop we will dig into why you may want to incorporate some of the management and operational styles of a traditional for-profit business and what results these changes can have on your organization.


What Nonprofits Should Focus on NOW to Prepare for a Better Funding FUTURE

Presented by Sherry Quam Taylor, QuamTaylor LLC, ACN member
April 8, 2020

The Association of Consultants to Nonprofits | 400 E. Randolph St., #3115 | Chicago, IL 60601

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