President's Listening Session

  • 09/21/2020
  • 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Virtual Meeting

President's Listening Session

September 21, 2020
11:00 - 11:30 AM

Members Only - Registration Required
FREE to Attend

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ACN Board President, Jill Misra, points out several changes to ACN's operating structure in the September newsletter to members. See part of Jill's message below regarding these changes. With so much new information, Jill wanted to provide an opportunity for members to ask questions. We look forward to your participation!

Changes to Board roles: This photo roster shows current Directors and respective titles. The officers now consist of the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The other Directors all serve as liaisons to ACN committees to provide continuity between the committee’s work and the Board; however, Directors are no longer serving as committee chairs or with multiple titles of Vice President (of programming, membership, etc. which were also considered officers in the past). Why did we make this change?

  • To elevate all Director roles to a more strategic level of oversight to ease the pressure of Directors to manage Board roles and committee leadership roles simultaneously
  • To engage more committee volunteers in significant committee leadership roles
  • To ensure continued continuity between committee proceedings and the Board

Changes in committee leadership: All committees are striving for a co-chair leadership structure. Co-chairs are member volunteers, not Board Directors (in most cases, with the exception of Board committees). A current listing of committee co-chairs, ratified the Board for this fiscal year, is here. Why did we make this change? 

  • To respond to feedback from prior committee leaders that managing and facilitating a committee sometimes presents challenges as a volunteer
  • To build a broader succession pipeline for ACN leadership
  • To allow newer members to hold leadership roles without having to take on the full responsibility of a committee

New! Operations Council: As the Association expands opportunities to more of our member volunteers, we established the Operations Council, which is comprised of the members serving as co-chairs of the Programming, Marketing and Communications, Nonprofit Relations, and Membership committees. The Operations Council will be chaired by Vice President Randy Ford, who will work closely with Executive Director Tricia Fusilero, to ensure the day-to-day operations of our Association are coordinated among committees, aligned with our strategic goals and in the interest of our overall mission to support consultants. Why did we make this change?

  • To allow the “right-sizing” of our current capacity for the board and our association management team
  • To ensure that a centralized view of the organization continues to ensure that work is coordinated, without being duplicative

Coming soon… A new contract with Chicago Association Management. Our two-year agreement with Chicago Association Management, which manages the administrative staff work of our Association, was due to expire. In conjunction with all of the above changes, the new agreement (to be effective 10/1/2020) will align the scope of work to support ACN’s new structure. We are fortunate to know that Tricia Fusilero is expected to remain in the role of ACN Executive Director.

Finally, I want to mention ACN’s action plan related to its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion statement released in June. Several members have reached out to offer support and resources for ACN to operationalize changes in its own work (for example, diversifying overall organizational membership as well as ACN leadership) and related supports for consultants (such as possible trainings or nonprofit client resources). After analyzing the top-level data in the June member survey, further DEI analysis and recommendations will be integrated into ACN’s upcoming strategic planning process.

We look forward to seeing you there! 

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The Association of Consultants to Nonprofits | 400 E. Randolph St., #3115 | Chicago, IL 60601

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