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Communicating with a New Congress
Free Webinar - Registration Required
The U.S. may be facing a new congressional reality in January, and nonprofits of all types will have to adjust. This workshop — apolitical and nonpartisan — will focus on the overarching messages that may appeal to a 2023 session of Congress and storytelling approaches that can have an impact in a closely divided, highly charged D.C. environment already focused on the 2024 election cycle. Objectives:
1. Understand the makeup of the incoming Congress. 2. Think through the challenges facing your organization and how to communicate that to friendly and more skeptical members of Congress. 3. Learn about practical tools that will help make current and new members of Congress your allies.
Presenter: Randy Ford First Story Strategies
Randy Ford is a writer, communication coach and storytelling strategist who helps nonprofits and trade associations share their stories from the intersection of people, policy and progress. He was a state politics reporter in his home state of Tennessee before spending 10 years working with a member of Congress as press secretary, communications director and eventually chief of staff. Randy then served as Vice President of Strategic Communication at LRG Public Affairs, helping membership associations and federal agencies talk more clearly about their work. He founded First Story Strategies in 2016 to help nonprofits, trade associations, public sector agencies and individuals incorporate centuries-old storytelling techniques into how they talk about their services and the people they impact.
ACN has partnered Nonprofit Learning Lab (NLL) to help serve the sector by providing quick, 30-minute webinars featuring ACN members. The Nonprofit Learning Lab is a national nonprofit that connects, supports and trains individuals in the nonprofit sector. NLL offers daily online nonprofit trainings. with workshops that focus on fundraising, board development, social media, marketing, volunteer management, and organizational leadership.
The Association of Consultants to Nonprofits | 400 E. Randolph St., #3115 | Chicago, IL 60601
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